Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Final Flash Assignment

This is your final flash assignment. Create a flash animation using the following elements:

5)Drawing tools
7)Motion Guide Path
8)Shape and Motion tweens

Final Due date is Thursday January 9th

Monday, December 17, 2007

ISU Project Proposal

Purpose for Developing a Project Overview
A project overview is intended to inform the instructor about specific activities, projects, and innovative ideas that you are interested in pursuing. I realize your idea may not yet be clearly defined. However, the more information I have about your potential project, the more likely it is that I will be able to assist you in further development of your project. The Project Overview should not exceed two pages.

Outline for a Project Overview
Project Introduction: Describe what you plan to do, how long it will take, and the collaborating department or people, that will be involved in this project. Suggested length for this portion of the summary is two to three paragraphs.
Assessment of Need: Describe and define the problem that you wish to solve. Suggested length: one to two paragraphs.

Goals and Objectives for the Project: Provide a broad statement followed by a listing of expected outcomes that collectively lead to attainment of the goal Suggested length: one paragraphs.

Capacity: Write a statement that convinces the reader you and your colleagues have the background to complete this project. If facilities are important, describe what you have available to you. Suggested length: one paragraph. Conclusion: Include a final paragraph to summarize the benefits and deliverables for the project.
Contact Information: Designate a chief spokesperson, or at most two persons, for this project. The person(s) name and student number , school name and email address should be included in this section. Estimated Cost: The accuracy of this estimate is not important. It is important to know if you think the project will cost you anything. Suggested length: one line.

All Proposals are to be single-space in 12-point font with no more than 2 pages of narrative.

Deadlines for Submission of Proposals Thursaday Dec 20th

Ordinarily there will be one Call for Proposals issued in Dec 17 . The specific deadline dates will be: Final ISU Project will be due between January 21-29th 2008

Policy Concerning Evaluation of Proposals

The instructor will function in accordance with the following guidelines when evaluating proposals:

1. All proposal will be considered on an individual basis
2. Specific research purposes and goals should be clearly evident in the proposal
3. The instructor will approve after the proposal has been reviewed and an interviewed is conducted.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Dragging Objects with Flash (Group 1)

Read the following instructions and complete the tutorial on how to drag objects: Click here for instructions

Monday, December 10, 2007

Comic Life Resources (Group 2)

For samples of comic projects using Comic Life software click on the following link: